We have established a team investment professionals,
focused on buyouts and growth equity investments.
Founded in 1980, Investment Expert is one of the largest and most experienced global private equity firms. We have established a team investment professionals, focused on buyouts and growth equity investments.
We employ a long-established strategy of sector-focused investing across all of our markets.
We seek to invest in well-positioned companies with strategic improvement potential and partner with management teams to create value by driving revenue and earnings growth.
12 Offices in 11 Countries
We have large farms in Morogoro Region that span over thousands of acres. Our specialty includes Rice Farming, Bee Keeping, Fish Farming as well as Rice Farming.
Know moreWe have a plant equipped with modern machinery for milling, sorting and packaging of farm products from our farms as well as small farmers from different regions of Tanzania.
Know moreWe have a modern kindergarten and primary school situated in the capital city of Tanzania, Dodoma. It is a day-school with the best and experienced teachers and general staff as well as transport service to and from school.
Know moreLarge-Scale Farming, Rice Milling & Packaging
Large-Scale Farming, Rice Milling & Packaging
Large-Scale Farming
Advent has one of the world’s largest and most experienced private equity teams, with more than 170 investment professionals across four continents.
Meet our teamWe have invested $2.4 billion in 150 transactions
across 11 countries”
Advent has one of the world’s largest and most experienced private equity teams, with more than 170 investment professionals across four continents.
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